Rusler Implement, Colorado Same Name. Same Family.
Since 1960.

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Rusler Implement, Colorado

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Front Loader & Front Backhoe



Werk-Brau manufactures all attachments to O.E.M. specs for all makes and models of all wheel loaders.

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Recommended Applications
Ideal for material up to 2,000 lb/cy. Ideal for fertilizer & feed applications to prevent spillage. Designed for handling materials such as corn, silage, hay, cottonseed, and other lightweight materials.

Quality Construction
Light material design with enhanced high-performance profile. Curved side plates & increased roll back angle allow for a 5%+ greater material retention. Flatter floor design helps improve cycle times with efficient loading of stockpiled materials that require moderate to light breakout forces.

Cutting Equipment Options
Auxiliary edge is standard.

Standard Sizes
2.00 cu. yd. to 15.00 cu. yds. of various widths are available. Special designs and capacities are available upon request.

Additional Features
All bucket attaching ears meet OEM specifications including proper "dump" and "roll" stops. Special designs and capacities are available, please request a quote from a dealer.


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